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Prophecy of Light & Dark

When we are born, God gives choice. When we were given Life, the rule of God is to grant Free Will. These are the universal Laws we are under, without us knowing it. The Dark wishes to influence & control you, the Light does not. Light holds space to expand, the Dark closes in. This eternal battle of polarity the same throughout every facet of this reality.


The Annunaki came to steal our gold. Their atmosphere is made of it, and has become depleted from exploitation. They went out searching for an unprotected planet- and found Ours. They found Us- the perfect peaceful taskforce. We were created from Bonobo primates, they have a matriarchal system from which we were made from, and our species natural Order. They were the most peaceful species to create our First Mother from.


They spliced their dna with ours, with marrow. They created a hybrid.


 The Annunaki mixed their dna with ours to create a jump of intelligence, which caused I AM presence- what am I. It is very cruel to awaken animals in such a way, as it is not a process of natural evolution. Once a species gains self awareness, they need direction to not self destruct in their search for what I AM. We were then trained as slaves, to mine the gold. It is very draining for Galactic beings to downshift dimensions. They did this as remotely as possible.


They set up ancient civilization sites with deep mining system underneath. These towns were set up for self sufficiency as a work camp would be. They taught the knowledge of Energy to hep grow food and provide sustenance for their work camp easily & efficiently. 


They created our First Woman Eve. A perfect creation. A creation from which all humanity would stem from.


First Mother, was then cloned. Cloning is a far easier process than making an original Creation. They created an army, a taskforce, for Our peaceful, beautiful, innocent First Mother who all life stemmed from. 


Cloning this way only creates females. Our First Mothers were made. They were innocent, as an animal that just gained consciousness & awareness would be. They were taught the energetic knowledge they needed to know, to extract Gold without machinery. How to build & use energy as an energetic force, such as what made the building of the pyramids possible.


What the Annunaki did, was a galactic grey area.

Abstract Galaxy

Animals are innocent, until enough intelligence is gained that they then can use it for selfish reasons over others, or to help others with their elevated sight. Or use your newly gained intelligence to begin to manipulate, lie, and move with corruption with your advantage over other species. You can build a birdhouse, or a cage. It is your intent that makes the difference. 


When your species was created to serve the Anunnaki, they spliced your dna with their own. To create clones with higher elevated consciousness, intelligence, to form hierarchy- a task force. To mine the Earth of its Gold. Ancient civilization cites were created to make sustainable townsites. They built on the water, and used hydroponic step systems to feed & nourish. They used solar energy, hydroponic and frequency tech for electricity harnessing. 


The Anunnaki are a closed heart chakra race. The energetic body is ran from the heart center of any species. When we enter life we are given soul. This soul is our battery pack of God that we take with us from our eternal resting place to fuel this experience. God created energy to flow in & out of the heart space to give strength. If this space is closed you become cruel, and you have to feed off of others energy for strength, you have no choice but to become vampiric. They created us as energy sources as well as manual labor. We are still new in the knowledge of energetics, even now. The evil one in control of your worlds certainly knows, but you still do not know that you are being harvested energetically. Especially within your pornography. They are stealing that energy from you & attaching energetic cords. They are harvesting your energy through all of your devices. The elite underground, works with the Annunaki to enslave the World. They can only work by way of channeling information. This is where your tech has come from, the Arcons & the Anunnaki. There is clean tech that is good for all, and there is draining tech with malicious purpose. You would not know, as the only ones who have the money to create such tech, are the ones who are in with the league evil. Who controls the money, controls the tech- all tech. They use the people's money, to help form the weapons used against them. All tech is kept hidden, secret, because it is all maliciously developed & used against the people.


Since the Arcturian defenders have taken up post in our solar system, they will not be revisiting physically. They are not stronger than the Arcturians & have been blocked. 


This world, has been created in the bubble. You know none of the Truth. With elite leaders working with our evil galactic fathers & the Arcons- we have much against us. But they are not stronger, nor have even ever been close to being stronger than the Divine Star Fathers of Light. They are simply parasite entities trying to hide as parasites do, but their only strength lies in remaining hidden.


God has granted you life, this life has been created for you to experience in its fullest- it is your right. When you were born, you were born indentured- that you have to pay to be alive- as your parents have to buy the land & home you live in, born into slavery that you cannot escape. You cannot live as you wish, create as you wish, you can only operate under their guidelines, which discourage individual thought. A bland common theme to kill creativity. You are lucky if you can pick the color of your house. You have to do as they say, act as they say, pay the price they say it is, form society as they say. They create the reward system, so those that achieve more freedom by way of status and creation of money - they fight to keep the system they perceive as them winning- separated from common society, outside of the law. above. With money you can bribe & do as you wish. This system benefits the rich, they do not aim to change it. They like the select rewards it offers that only exist to the rich. While the rest squabble over their crumbs to eat. The ones that could help, never help. Instead, they form allegiances with the dark underground of many masks. Within the justice system. Money brings about much much evil, as it can spread. Bribery for a piece of your soul. How they buy humans every day- with money. The ones who have the most money, tend to be part of the very evil ring that is running the common underbelly. They deal in humans. That is what the incredibly rich deal in. They want us as easy picking. They are picking us off the street and why are they not stopped? Because they can bribe their way into any level, any organization, there will be ones who will turn. This is how the battle with evil keeps winning- with money. They are in our religions, in our police systems, in our childcare systems, in our school systems, in our healthcare systems- everywhere. They keep preying on vulnerable populations & why can we not stop it? If you try to go against them & change it- you know what happens. It is everywhere & yet people cannot/will not do anything to help you. Why? We need our jobs, their credit, their approval to survive- or they will have us thrown in jail or worse. You cannot escape them. Money is the only thing that keeps your fate entwined with theirs. If you remove yourself & choose a higher way, they cannot control you any longer. With advanced tech that does not harm, you can choose a bright & beautiful future. 


When the Elder council voted to give you Adam, they voted to give you the best chance possible, and splice your dna with many fathers of the light federation. 26. They believed this would be enough to overcome the Annunaki genome. And with it, the violent & cruel tendencies of those of close heart chakra. Cruel, abusive behavior is a way to steal light energy. Strong emotional reactions will end up in energy transference- energy will go to the lower. Negative takes from positive. Your species has unfortunately been taken down that road due to your cruel leaders. Cruel leaders have led their people down a violent path creating generational lines full of trauma. Now we have people full of generational trauma & no time to heal, families are sick, society is sick.  We have much to do, just to get enough money to survive. That is the only thing that is rewarded in this system, is production., consumption, exploitation. You cannot do anything else for free. You cannot start a garden unless you have bought the plot, nor plant a tree. You cannot create shelter. You can do nothing, except work. Money equals power, in this realm. In the real realm, energy equals power. Your minerals contain concentrated energy sources. That is what is actually being bought & sold. This is why they are bullying Africa. They attack those who have minerals. They sell this galactically in exchange of power. For this, they allow the Arcons to feed off your energy to keep you drained & weak- trapped within their time loop reality that was made to energy syphon. The Annunaki, the Arcons, the Satanic Elite cults are controlling every government, justice system, and police force. 



We are at the end of the cycle. You will have to choose Light or Dark. We have to awaken & activate our Light code now, before the rip in time happens & the poles shift. A new dimension will be created, a split. Two timelines cataclysmically different, too different that they must shift. They are going to try to stop what is meant for you from happening. Due to planetary shifts much of humanity will awaken with the new energies.  This is your plant system gaining new Light Codes we receive from planetary phenomena. They are trying to stop this by disrupting your energetic frequency with your devices. They are emitting a sound to dampen your energy, and make your unhappy & unbalanced. Look to the Stars & know the truth. 


No one asked to be born into this. A system so corrupt it seems impossible to overthrow. The answers are much easier than you think. Think outside the box they have created for you- this construct is not safety, it is a trap.


Although we don't know, our dark under lord leaders have our planet up for auction. The dark leaders still work with the Annunaki now, channeling messages to help the dark ways spread & succeed in their quest. What do they have planned for you? They will auction off our minerals, and make you slaves to dig it. They will robotize you, so you have no choice to obey, they will be in your brain waves. The elites believe they will receive immortality- as the aliens have. They believe they will take control of this planet & receive the immense power that we cannot even conceive- of the Watchers of the other dimension. They will sell us, as slaves. They have sold their soul for a chance to live as the Annunaki do, as humans do- forever searching for a way to exploit energy as a way to survive. They have lost their soul, when they die they will go to the Hell realms. Exploitation will be their lifeblood. Forever cast away from God for their sins. 




Fathers of Light Fathers of Dark

Who will win in the cosmic battle of humanity?

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