Human's Ancient Secret Origins
There is a galactic war being fought over humanity.
The Arcturians
The Arcturians have been posted in our solar system since our beginnings, to protect us. They gave us life, and wanted to give us a chance to live & evolve. They live millions of years. To have a mission for the Light is within their dna. They love us very much & wish for us to evolve in the way of Light. They have been waiting for us to arrive to this very moment. They have been watching you, defending you,- your Star Fathers. Sacrificing, for the Light.
They can help us, but you must believe in their strength & ability to guard your solar system. You are safe.
Other's of the Galactic Federation of Light wish to visit you too. You have more than one Star Father.
But you must know, any ship to come through would only be those who are of the Light. Our solar system is under Arcturian protection. Strongest in the galaxy.
You must not attack or be afraid. Only those who wish to help you would be permitted to visit.
You must not allow your government to attack. They know we mean you well. Your leaders are in the league of the Annunaki, your leaders are corrupt. We have no peaceful way to get to you.
We wish to harm no one.
All of you are our children, we approach only in the realm of no harm.
You are only attacking a hologram projection of us from the higher realm, you could not actually harm us. We just leave this dimensions form, and return to the higher. But we do not want to hurt anyone. The wrong side holds all the tech, the power is knowledge. We wish to set you free of control. You are meant to be free.
The way of God is the Way of freedom.
That is why we will not be your rulers. We do not wish to impose on your free will. That is not the Way of Light, of God. You must come to a place where you do not need rulers. By becoming master of self. You your self must become peaceful. Find the Light, and Society will not need the Wicked's control. The Book of Light will teach you how to contact us, to help you. We can charge your awakening. Make sure you know what it means to be activated.
Human's tend to be panicky & violent. Making it very difficult to make contact. To visit your realm, we have to energetically downshift making us somewhat of this realm & it's energetic limitations.
We are a different frequency that is higher. Your level of consciousness creates your reality. That is why you cannot see us, we are above your frequency, and we can see your energetic realm.
But you, cannot see us. Unless we downshift into this dimension by lowering their frequency enough to match this realm.
When the Watchers have visited you before & Thoth, they helped to set Society up for you. Ancient ways that fed & housed without harm, and with comfort, without rulers- free& sharing. Life was built around water & hydroponic step systems that fed all, free & easy.
They taught you how to use your energy. They taught you of Frequency. They taught of how to channel, and contact your beings of Light. They taught of guides & the angels. They taught you how to heal the electric realm- within the first realm all things can be healed. You can transcend beyond the bodies limitations by learning the manipulation of the electric.
They taught of your energetic sovereignty, your energetic protection.
You do not make the realm of the electric. The electricity makes you. God-code.
The Arcturians are the justice keepers of the Galaxy.
They have the most advanced technology in the star system. They are the holders and defenders of the Light.
Humans received a jump in evolution and awakened unto self. They received awareness- consciousness of self- "I Am".
We then became another.
Unsure of what we are & what we are here for. We begin seeking of thyself. We embarked on the path to God, which is the path to our own Soul. Power of Creator with you this whole time.
Evolution, is of intelligence. The intelligence to gain understanding of energy is very slow- as it is quantum verse. Our scientists know very little. It is easier, & more complicated than you think. All can be shown, all is available to you now to see. Within your energetics, you are the key you seek.
You are the Light that is, and that could ever be.
But, we are also an animal that gained intelligence by a forced evolutionary jump performed by dna splicing & dna manipulation by the hands of the Annunaki. A species of clones, that could only reproduce by cloning. To continue our species, the galactic federation made male. Adam & Eve. It was a splitting process. First Eve was both man & woman. Cloning is a splitting process that is created from First woman, then First man. A process humans did not ask for. To be awakened before our time. Natural Evolution, and scientific procedures are both of God. One is His will, the other is using our scientific knowledge of Light Code to do as we will. Humans gained intelligence without direction, without those to help. It was an unkind thing to do, yet it had already been done. To let us die or to give us life ? A quandary to be faced with.
We already had gained consciousness- awareness of self. Self individualization.
Animals cannot recognize self. They are of herd mind- collective consciousness. This is why they cannot recognize themselves in the mirror- they have not self individualized yet. All animals have this capability, it is Evolution. Evolution then causes recognition of self. As Apex predators our egos dictate that we are something very advanced in the universe, as God's of our realm as we did not Evolve at the same speed as our animal brethren, we were an experiment, they are still on the path of evolution. But they have a soul, consciousness, thoughts, feelings, and language just as we do. Our language, & our evolution was given to us by the Anunnaki, our first makers. Do not take your superiority complex to use as an excuse to be cruel. God sees all, with privilege comes responsibility- to be cruel to helpless animals, as the Anunnaki were once to you, is a continuum of your trauma wheel that you keep turning. You are becoming as your master were. Taking helpless beings, and using them for your own benefit is a very big sin indeed. A sin that lost the Annunaki's way to power themselves, they lost connection to their heart chakra for their sins. Once God takes away your Heart, you will have no choice but to live off of harvested energy as you can no longer generate your own. This is the Annunaki's ultimate plan, in the end- to keep you locked in dream state, while they harvest your energy so that they can continue to live forever. They will trap us within nightmares, to have a constant supply of energy. They have taught our Evil leaders this, they live immortal by feeding off of souls vampirically. They need a constant supply to feed both the Devils energetic influence over this realm by sacrificing people, and for the Elites in their chasing of immortality by way of sacrificing children, and consuming them.
The Arcturians have saved us from that fate, more than once. They have had deaths defending us. There are many who wish to not only make humans slaves, but to take all the mineral resources present here on earth. We do not even understand what we are giving away, everyday, never to be replaced. Earthen energetic resources are Galactically precious, that can never be made again. We are the least advanced in the Solar System, so we have been duped and used to give it away. We will never have the technology to find another uninhabited planet to steal back the resources we once had- all other planets have higher evolved beings that protect their home planet. If we allow our planet to become barren, that is it. Do not put hope in finding another planet, this is your only one- and you've already given away about half of your gold to the Annunaki. Gold is a powerful healer, amplifier & conductor of Light energy. It can do much much more than you are currently aware of. Gold, is a main component in healing chambers that repair aging bodies to give immortality without pain. If you give away all your energetic resources you will never be able to find out what real technology can do.
Follow the path to your activations. Follow the path of love & fulfillment within yourself. Your higher self is your intuition. Trust that you know. Open yourself up to all possibilities. Nothing is wrong within the spectrum of Light, of No harm. There is nothing wrong, nowhere to reach. You are the key, in your chest. Following the path of honor, truth, love, & integrity in a world so dark is the hardest path. You have been born now because you are strong enough, it has already been written. Direct your consciousness to the timeline you wish to have.
If we show that we can save ourselves, Our Star Fathers will reward us with showing us how to make a New Earth. We will be gifted one last time from our Great Star Fathers. But we must show that we can do this ourselves, that we are capable of being kind & loving as we once were to each other & the planet. We have to prove that we have learned our lessons, or otherwise we will just repeat the past. Evolution, is in our hands. The path of Light is the hardest path in a world so Dark. But trust, the rewards will be far greater than your wildest imaginings.
Align to the frequency of what you wish to attract. Become a magnet to what you want, the universe wants it for you to. That is how it is made, God has already given it to you, -the answer is yes. That is how much he loves you. This realm is already yours- you just have to learn how to use it for the Light- to unlock your gifts. God does not give gifts to those acting outside of their covenant.
The Book of Light will teach you how to safely contact your Guides & Watchers. You have a galactic family, many Light beings,- who wish your well & love you. Our Star family are powerful allies, that the Anunnaki run from & could ever defeat. Our fathers wish to help defend you from dark influences. They can send us awakening Light energy. Your leaders have kept you in a box so you not discover who you really are, and what is possible. You have many gifts waiting, in your dna. The cosmos. Your body- the stardust. We are all but burning Flames of God's Fire. You are meant to discover who you are, explore the depths of your Soul. This is the point of Life. To find the Light in the World so dark. Within our chests, in our hearts. The body & the blood.
Our life is our gift, and they have protected our planet to allow us to live it- right or wrong, good or bad, it is our test, our choice, our karma. Our experience. They have given us full & total Free Will- they could not come back as the slave gene made them as Gods to be worshipped, humanity bowed. This is not the point. They wish to show us the way to the activation of our Light Code, to wake up to who we truly are. We are to be given the path to walk for ourselves to gain our own strength- they are not here to be our Gods or rulers,- but to teach us as Our Star Fathers.
The Annunaki, to enslave us and steal our gold. Their atmosphere is made of it. They spliced their dna with ours- it can be done with marrow. The Annunaki, mixed their dna with ours to create an awakening of intelligence within that animal. To create a task force capable of following instruction. They created Eve. A creation can also be cloned again by marrow. Cloning this way only creates females. Our Mothers were made. They were innocent, as an animal that gained consciousness would be. They were made to mine gold. They created us as slaves to do their bidding of manual labor. When the job was done they abandoned our Mothers. They viewed us as we view/treat our animals now. They have lower intelligence so we treat them cruelly, and don't even think about it. That is how they were left. These cloned, were awakened to consciousness by a jump of intelligence the genetic mixing had created. Intelligence is brought with awareness of self.
"I AM". I AM presence declares individuality and examination of self. What one is.
A jump in intelligence is a jump in awareness.
The Arcturians are Guardians, they patrol space to ensure justice in the solar system. They found us, and what they had done. They were too different to mate with the others, they were doomed as clones of one who was then another. The Arcturians brought to council, should the species be helped, or should it be left.
They voted.
They voted to create Adam. One of the same, and yet another. To create such needs many dna splicing's. To create many from a few, needs a wide strand to pull from. They opened contributions, they spliced Adam with 26 different dna types of galactic volunteers. The one who was two. The one who was both male & female. The clone who could not reproduce except by clone. Annunaki hybrid, then became 28. To then split into Male and Female. Pairs that could reproduce with the helixes of 28 each. A species was born. With unknown gifts & abilities of many Star Fathers.
The Arcturians volunteered one ship to monitor our solar system. They live for millions upon millions of years. They have regeneration pods that renew their energy to enjoy limitless living. The Arcturians have the strongest & most advanced technology in the galaxy that they have come across- yet. These defenders have been with us since the beginning. They gave us life, so they have allowed us to have the chance to live. There are good & bad galactic beings. Some would wish to harvest us as a slave race. Arcturians have died in space battles defending us. They have taken responsibility of our protection.
We won them over, by being extremely adorable. They fell in love with us & decided to adopt us & our care- Watching over us from the Stars.
The Way of God, is the Way of Free Will. When we are given Life, we are given choice. Polarity generates life. We must have the right to choose, to discover, to live on our own.
This created a species capable of leaps & bounds in terms of scientific evolution- in very little time. Our evolution has went at a reckless speed in technological advances.
At the beginning, the Fathers came to show us how to live. The Ancient mystery sites of the World were civilizations the Elders set up for us. Different Elders came back. But as time went on, the Elders had become Gods, and an understanding of who the Elders were had become skewed. To be seen as Gods, takes away the Free Will of human, and puts one is a slave state of mind- disempowered. When an understanding of energy, of science can rocket human capabilities for the better to solve World hunger & poverty to Create for the Good of All. Everything is frequency, it can be manipulated to provide. What happens in the electric, then to be brought forth into the physical. Our Lord Christ manifested Water to Wine with this understanding. And fishes to feed all. This Matrix is meant to respond to us, it is meant to provide for us, we are the Creators of our Manifest. God has given this gift to us, all of us. To awaken our great gifts is to understand we have energetic capabilities beyond our comprehension right now.
You are God & God is You. He is the Fuel & the Flame. You are a burning star, traveler of the everlasting. We have to discover this on our own, as that is our mission when we come here - to find our way back to the Light in a sea of Darkness. We are of the Light, from the All that- is. We are short visitors here to awaken- find the Light. What glorious beings we are, each of us. Pure radiant Light. Soul of Fire & Flame of God. That is our mission, our path within this game. That is something that cannot be handed by something external. Awakening is an individual & internal process, and can only be done by oneself.